- 1. Programming notes
- 1. Machine Learning
- 3. Research Notes
- 4. Quantitative Investment Notes
- 2. Pseudo Spectral Method
- 3. Applied Stochastic Analysis home works
- 4. My Music
- 5. A collection of my linux tips
- 5.1. rm argument list too long
- 5.2. Setup commands for Service on my desktop
- 5.3. Ubuntu tips
- 5.4. Archlinux tips
- 5.5. Squid Tips
- 5.6. Little softwares
- 5.7. Doxygen
- 5.8. Emacs tips
- 5.9. TexLive Tips
- 5.10. SVN
- 5.11. 文档查看器(Evince)打开中文PDF显示方块的问题
- 5.12. 利用autossh 监视ssh 隧道
- 5.13. 设置 SSH 不用密码登录另一台电脑
- 5.14. How to hack wireless
- 5.15. Extract audio from video
- 5.16. repair grub after reinstall win7
- 5.17. Use Monit to keep application alive
- 5.18. Activate Java for Chrome in Ubuntu
- 5.19. nodebb forum tips
- 6. From Ubuntu to Arch.
- 7. Math Notes
- 8. 讲座笔记
- 9. 用python的Sphinx工具整理笔记
- 10. 代理服务
- 11. Learning notes on fly!
- 12. 量化投资学习资料推荐
- 13. 分级基金优先份额Monte Carlo模拟定价C++实现
- 14. Indices and tables
Other Notes¶
Some home works: