Alex's Notes
1. Programming notes
1. Machine Learning
3. Research Notes
4. Quantitative Investment Notes
2. Pseudo Spectral Method
3. Applied Stochastic Analysis home works
4. My Music
5. A collection of my linux tips
6. From Ubuntu to Arch.
7. Math Notes
8. 讲座笔记
9. 用python的Sphinx工具整理笔记
10. 代理服务
11. Learning notes on fly!
12. 量化投资学习资料推荐
13. 分级基金优先份额Monte Carlo模拟定价C++实现
14. Indices and tables
4. Quantitative Investment Notes
« 1. Vector sph...
1. 量化投资学习资料推荐 »
1. Programming notes
1. Machine Learning
3. Research Notes
4. Quantitative Investment Notes
2. Pseudo Spectral Method
3. Applied Stochastic Analysis home works
4. My Music
5. A collection of my linux tips
6. From Ubuntu to Arch.
7. Math Notes
8. 讲座笔记
9. 用python的Sphinx工具整理笔记
10. 代理服务
11. Learning notes on fly!
12. 量化投资学习资料推荐
13. 分级基金优先份额Monte Carlo模拟定价C++实现
14. Indices and tables
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Quantitative Investment Notes
1. 量化投资学习资料推荐
2. Useful Resource
2.1. Quantlib
3. A collection of Interesting Articles
3.1. Big Data: 20 Free Big Data Sources Everyone Should Know
3.2. Why R data scientists should try out Python ? #rstats #python
4. Books from metabit’s recommenddation
4.1. Part 1
4.2. Part 2
5. 汪沛朋友圈分享的藏书
6. 大地飞歌 根鸟基金首席技术顾问
7. CTA策略的私募基金有哪些?
8. 横批: 星衍乾坤
8.1. 冲九明翰黑鸣锐
8.2. 进千幻金灵思因